Image of Chris Kyriacou

Posted on by Chris Kyriacou

Why are users following brands on social media?

Brands are consistently finding new ways to encourage users to engage with them through social media in order to increase traffic through to their website, improve brand awareness, and many other various business decision making reasons. Essentially it is down to brands to produce innovative, creative content that encourages likes, comments, etc that can represent organic viral growth attracting other potential stakeholders. 

We asked 500 social media users what encourages them to follow/like brands on social media sites. The majority answer was ‘Funny posts/updates,’ with 31% of respondents choosing this option. This suggests that content playing on users’ emotions can prove stronger than paid social media advertisement, with only 5% of participants stating that they like/follow a brand as a result of being recommended by Facebook/Twitter through a paid form of advertisement.

Although there were gender differences with the way in which males and females preferred to engage with brands on social media sites, with females more likely to follow/like a brands social media page if they often gave away promotional offers. However what was common between basic demographics of the respondents, was that 23% of participants said they liked/followed a brand because they were genuine fans, which represented an even proportion of results for both males and females, and also across all age groups, suggesting that there is a sense of brand loyalty amongst customers who are unaffected by social media marketing tactics.

From the results of the study, we can conclude that creative, engaging content that touches on users emotions, mostly in the form of humorous posts can resonate more amongst a wide proportion of your target audience, regardless of their specific demographics. This form of content is consequently proven to be more engaging, helping you avoid noise involved with news-feeds and limiting your budget needed for social media ads.


By Chris Kyriacou

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